Sunday, June 21, 2015

Do white women want to be black? or is it appropriating our race to get ahead?

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The Spokane NAACP President Rachel Dolezal was recently outed for being white when she made claims that she recieved hate male and death threats for being black.  Now everyone, both white and black are going to say this woman is simply insane. however, she is very intelligent. Her actions are an education to black women as to where we stand in race relations and respect.

This woman KNEW that looking like a octoroon would give her high praise in black society. her mere frizzy hair and green eyes could get her hired to any black organization and a number of white ones. you see, she is the "safe" looking black. But god in the black world. she is the type that black men love to covet because as soon as Someone says they are with a white woman they can point at her tan and hair and say "noooo, she is black!" she is strategic. she has made a career and climbed up the ladder being a watered down black woman. So all in all it shows black ladies what it takes to make it as a black woman in the working world. look as if you have one drop of black blood and you win! make a couple of claims that you were racially harassed. everyone will be there to help you because you look like a white woman, men will instinctually want to help you.

Don't you find it strategic that she used her whiteness to its optimum point to marry a black man! she knew in the beginning that to get the black man she had to go full on white but when it came to being a queen in black circles.  the one drop look was optimum. when you look one drop you get to thrive at Howard (yes, she was  a Howard grad smh) you get to get the prime seat as a professor in African studies smh. Her parents even helped her in the lie. against their wishes. but here she is in full white with her black husband smh.

Do  not for one minute get in to the general argument that "she is insane" its seems that every time a white person does something in this country, they are automatically "crazy" this always absolves and in some instances, makes people sorry for these people who commit such acts. This woman is a calculating opportunist that could not get by in the white world. I have lived in the white world as close as someone of color can and what I do know is that she was a chunky, pale girl. Not considered attractive in white society. she knew that all she need was a little tan, a wig and POOF! she is atop of the food chain in black society. As a white woman, she thought that was all she needed in the beginning to enter into white society. she tried to apply  to an all black college and when not accepted, 'she sued, and lost for discrimination. When she became 'biracial rachel" she not only got into a black college, but acquired a scholarship. a scholarship that should have gone to a black person.

Now of course black men who have the most self hatred for themselves, as well as black women have stated "she is doing more for the black community than we are" that is a ignorant statement. all i see is black women protesting when one of these degenerates gets shot, and if anyone had the position to be the president of the NAACP, what, because they were black, they would sit and do nothing??? she stole a seat meant for a black person and my grandmother said "if someone lies, they will cheat, if they will cheat, they will steal" yet we pat her on the back for blatantly lieing and stealing and cheating a black person an opportunity to better their people.

there are black female students coming forward stating that she lectured black women for not supporting black men and were harsher to them in regards of grading. I hope they sue her for this.

The plot gets even more twisted as her brother is charged with sexually assaulting a minor. Her parents were already  in the weird box which evidences her ambition. her and her brother were born in their house. not a hospital. her parents decided to get foster children being privy that they could get more money. she has cunning in her blood. She took the time to even lie about her fake father. this poor guy had no idea she was saying that this was her dad.

Now she is not the only Rachel that knows that being a bronze mixed woman is almost as being powerful as a white woman in today's society. Rachel Brothers who is a REAL bi racial woman sued the Black Educators Association in Nova Scotia for racial and age discrimination when she was let go of her job and replaced with a Afro centric, darker woman. I'm not saying that she should not have gone for the job. But I really questions the motives of these types of women to want to champion black issues when they, in most cases wield their non blackness to get what they want.

Rachel Brothers

Isn't this a case of  getting in where you fit in? opportunist strategies? if Rachel Brothers was more white looking, would she have been ore likely to be in that world? but she couldn't compete, like rachel dozal  could not, so she decides to join the black world? hmmm. look at the natural hair movement. more and more all you see is bi racial women with the look being coveted more than the traditional darker complected women smh.

and before polymammies come after me and say I'm jealous of these girls. I'm mixed and have hair just like them. however our full black sisters. the originators of these styles are being ignored. I would love to have an Afro like this:

I think this whole Rachel thing really teaches us where we stand on racial relations and black beauty.

Lighter skin is still held in high regard in the black community.
Being ambiguous in skin color can lead you to high places in the black community.
Blacks willing accept anything that is not close to their phenotype.
Basically anyone can infiltrate our communities and take advantage.

And now we are defending a racist that killed black people in a church smh. post coming up shortly.

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