Monday, December 29, 2014

Sorority Sisters should not be shut down unless...................................

I really had to laugh when I saw all the hooplah surrounding the new ghetto barbie thotfest called Sorority sisters. Women were outraged and up in arms that this show was put into circulation. I watched the show and it was pretty tame compared to the others that I have seen. It was comical and interesting to see a new sub class of black woman. The boughetto class. They attempt to affect mannerisms of classy women, but underneath exhibit the same uncouth, behavior of stereotypical black women that we see on sites like Worldstar Hip hop. Thousands of black women ranted on all the social boards about how this show was defaming black women and desecrating the secrets of black sororities. hardly ever did I see any of these women outcry that ALL shows like this should be taken down. It seems that their complaints were damage control. Maybe they do not want anyone to know the real goings on of sororities? therefore tarnishing their so called upper class effect?  The very manner of their defense speaks volumes. Why now is there an outcry? what is this opinion that when the  behavior of blacks is displayed, somehow we are excluded to some degree?  You can take Sorority Sisters out with furor? It will not make a dent in cleaning up our image as black women. There are tons of sights like, Worldstar hip hop and others that make it a point to pump out damaging, filthy content that depicts black women in a bad light. As far as reality shows. Need I mention the countless shows that show us as loud, fake, insecure gutter rats ready to fight at the drop of a hat? where is the intellect? Sorority Sister do not  exclude ANY black woman. As soon as you walk outside, and before you even open your mouth, you are already judged. Where is the unity? black women COLLECTIVELY should be banning and outcrying for ALL shows that depicts us in a bad or defaming light. We are all in this together! if you are going to ban this show, you need to band the others as well. They all make us look bad. Sorority sisters are not absolved or protected from that. There is a total conspiracy to blight our character. case and point Tommy sontomayor has a total hate show on YouTube where all he does is bash black women. Why haven't you seen his black female counterpart? well I, as well as a bunch of black women have tried to have the same channels, only to be banned as hate speech. he has bash black women, called them bald headed bitches and threatened to punch black women in the face and they never have taken his channel off. as a matter of fact, he has several channels. So do you now see the agenda? getting rid of one show is not enough, you have to get rid of them all. remember they lump us all in one category and being a Sorority Sister does not give you a colorless pass ;)


our worth in the eyes of the black man

what really amazes me about all of this is how surprised everyone is that snoop apologized to this wannabe.  Actually, I was amazed that he did it as fast as he did. But this whole fiasco proves a major point, Snoop basically has made his entire career off denigrating and destroying the black woman's image. He made calling black women a bitch like it was second nature. So why does it come as a surprise when he decides to apologize to Iggy, a white "rapper" who has made a career into taking every attribute of black women's urban culture. And not in turn apologize to EVERY black woman he has insulted? because as loud as we are accused of. We always seem to remain docile when black men disrespect us. We always champion them despite the lack of respect and hatred they proudly exclaim against us. Iggy is a woman, therefore she deserves to be treated like a woman. But every other black woman is less than. So we need not be treated with respect. Isn't it funny that in slavery times blacks as a whole were viewed that way. Things have changed a little. But for the black woman we are still dealing with racism......from men from our own race.

 Q-Tip, one of the most well known artists of real hip hop tweeted Iggy about the origins of Hip Hop and why she should revere it,

"HipHop is a artistic and socio-political movement/culture that sprang from the disparate ghettos of NY in the early 70’s Coming off the heels of the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT and approaching the end of the Vietnam war it was a crossroads 4 America specially for blacks in the US"

 one of her many black guy minions, T.I came to her rescue once again.
 Iggy Azalea, T.I.

“All White People Wanna Steal Our Shit” mentality. Now as difficult as this is to believe…. We think all white people who do our shit… gotta kiss our ass or we don’t like em!!! “Dey shady!!!” (Lol No pun intended) But me knowing U,Eminem,and a handful of other… (just so happen to be) white people who were inspired by our culture allowed ME TO SEE, that not all white people out to steal our culture.. There are some that merely wish to contribute to it. And I’d be less than ME if I didn’t say that… If WE don’t allow u guys the same… …rights & respect we KNOW WE DESERVE in other areas of humanity… WE’RE ALL JUST A BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES. AND THATS NOT HIP HOP!!!!
Honestly, what in plum hell does T.I know about hip hop? his rap is nothing but useless lyrics to a beat. Rap itself is useless as we know it. There are more 2 Chains and less Common's and Mos Def's out there. All in all T.I must be on some "new white tang" effect because he spends a great deal of time defending this composite than his damn near white wife who is going through an identity crisis to the point of risking her sight (she had eye color surgery smh)
what black women in this country need to know is that there is a poison woven within our culture. A poison of self hate where black women are always the scapegoat. however, they are never the ones that are truly the at the forefront. black men have a total hatred of themselves, they want so desperately to be the white man. They think that if they covet the white man. Show open hatred to the black woman, they are honorary white. Fact is that in white peoples view, they are looked at as less than men and inferior. All they are doing is boosting the confidence of racists.They in fact make whites feel superior to them. Black men are not that smart unfortunately smh.
It annoys me how anything we as black women do. Whether it be positive or negative, white people swoop in, copy it, and all of a sudden its better. Kim K has an ass she is sexy. A black woman has an ass its a "Ghetto Booty"  We fight for our rights we are "bitches" non black women do the same and they are "sassy" Who are our allies when all guns are pointed at us?
We have to know that there will be many Iggys in our future where black men will jump to protect them while neglecting us. There is no need to feel bad about any of this. What one must recognize is that you cannot be there for someone who is not there for you. If T.I wants to defend Iggy. I hope she will be there when he is arrested once again, i hope she will compose a rap about the increase in deaths against black men. But she will not, she will capitalize like every other white person has. turn into an actress, marry a white man and act like her pseudo- Thug life never existed. lol. look at marky mark who is now Mark Whalberg smh.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The fuckery of Ferguson

The picture above is of a black woman getting washed for teargas after she was protesting for the death of Mike Brown.  This guy has been held up to almost jesus-like levels as people. Mostly black women hit the streets and basically risk their lives totally oblivious to the fact that these men could care less about black women's lives. 

It annoys me to no end how they basically made this Michael  brown character a martyr. When there have been over 10 killings of black women at the hands of law enforcement. What is wrong with our society when black men kill other black men on a daily basis and no one cares, but if a white person does it. All of a sudden it’s a problem??? The real tragedy is that black women are being slaughtered and no one is saying a peep about it.  We have to be real. If black men were corralled there would be no ghettos, there would be no gangs. We are at the mercy of their self-hatred and no one addresses it. Like no one addressed this story.

This gruesome ordeal happened to a young interracial couple - Jan Pawel Pietrzak, 24, Polish American and Quiana Jenkins Pietrzak, 26, African American, in their home located near the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (where Pietrzak worked), in Winchester, California. Four black men who were soldiers under Pietrzak decided to repeatedly rape and torture his wife while he watched. And after they were finished, they beat pietrazak bloody. Shooting them both in the head. This wasn’t even seen as a racial crime by the racist LAPD. 

No one marched for Jan Pietrazak. No one is marching for the black women being slaughtered at all.  Yet we go nuts over thugs like Miceal brown, who was allegedly seen bulling a guy after he stole cigars from his store (remember I said allegedly for the polly mammies  about to rip into me)
Keke Palmer was protesting in solidary for this trouble maker and got grouped! That shows you the regard that “the brothas” have for us. We should be constantly upholding to them and accept the abuse from them. A woman, ,Mya Aaten-White says she was walking to her car after protesting when she was shot In the head. She was marching for this thing and no one, especially her fellow sisters marched for her!  

These hateful animals that are terrorizing our streets and us women we cannot do anything about, but we must make a point to raise these black boys (and I don’t care if they are interracial in THIS country they are black) to be upstanding individuals with morals and raise black women to love themselves and other women and see them as value .Not the need to be validated by men period. And can we please not march for r Kelly and march for better schools, education and better lives for our daughters? I really hope this is possible. We need to start marching and showing that black women’s live are that of value. I feel that these cops will continue to terrorize black women simply because the know no one will come forward.

The sad story about the IR couple killed by thugs

the woman who was shot for while protesting

Monday, August 25, 2014

The six deadly sins of the Black Woman

Black women are moving forward in Education and in life in general. We are witnessing a new revolution that may change the course of social history. Remember I said "may” the reason why I say this because despite our accomplishments, we have been slacking in areas and I will break it down. But the disclaimer is I need you to read this entire post before making any judgments. Here are some things that are hindering us and if we change course, we will be on top!

Deadly sin #1: Attracted to negativity

As a blogger, I write all kinds of content that I feel will inform and also uplift. I check my stats to see what content attracts my readers. If I write a post about improving something. My numbers are low. But if I write a post about the fails of black men or gossip, my numbers are high.

To start on the road to becoming the new you, be informed, but also seek out content that will improve you as a person. Any content that will help you to improve your financial, health and mental health situation. Eat better, meditate, mediate MEDITATE!!!!! Learn to take time to be by yourself. Stop complaining. Look for solutions. Stop gossiping about the girl at work or your neighbor. Take energy on improving yourself. Your life will thank you.

Deadly sin#2: Thinking that white men are the solvent to your romantic life

It is wonderful that black women are finally dating out. Breaking the shackles of black oppression and exploring their options. But at what cost? there are sites that actually make like dating a white men is end all, be all of life. They neglect to help black women face potential challenges when dating a white man in America. Black women who have never dated a white man have unrealistic expectations of white men. They think that when they date a white man. They will date a rich, loving man that will tend to their every need. However, there are a number of variables that will contradict these beliefs. With the sensitive racial history we have with whites in this country. Even in 2014 there are taboos to dating one another. We are still seen as second-class citizens. So one has to question the motives of a white man dating a black woman in this country. For one, we are still fetishized as these over-sexualized vixens that are walking sex toys. Look at Bill Maher, who has a very successful show. And dates multiple black women and nothing else. He never address his preference but when asked if he will ever marry, he has stated "I’m likely to get struck by lightning then for that to happen" and look at Simon Cowell. He was in a long term relationship with several black women, only to finally have a son with a white woman. Some cases we are good enough to have sex with and that is all else. Not saying all men are like that. But in my experience, European men are less affected by the stereotypes that has been place on black women in this country. Plus, they are more mature and worldly.

Another problem with this is that with the state of black men now. One does not want to admit that we have a hand at making them the men that they are. Black women have coddled black men to the point that they don’t feel the need to be men to or for us. Now that we have a clean slate to work with, we are bringing those same attitudes with us. Do not coddle men when you date out. Have standards and not accept anything. White and Asian women do not accept anything less than a man that has himself together. When I used to date white American men and ask them why they want to date black women they would say "white women are too snooty and want their ass kissed" that was a red flag for me. to me, that is a man saying that a woman wants to much. Having a good job, education, and catering to your woman is snooty???? It’s scary but apparently the White American man already knows that black women will take anything. We certainty allow men to impregnate us and not get married so what else do we accept?? Its time to take a page out of the Asian/White handbook. They seem to get the husband in no time so we need to know how and why and do the exact thing. We need to also aware that the white men are like that for a reason. They had women that will not accept just anything. But at the same time, not assume that a man will be perfect. You will attract what you allow to attract. Leave those old attitudes of undying loyalty behind and have standards!

Deadly sin#3 Jealousy: A lot of us do not like or want to admit it. But there is a great amount of jealousy between the sisters. Do you know now people are getting mad that women with looser curls that claiming the natural hair movement? I'm one of them. Been natural all my life. But By no means do I think my hair is better than someone’s hair that is kinky. Aside from that, we divide based on color and what we think is prettier than us. There will always be someone prettier, faster, smarter, younger and more. You have to admit that you have jealousy, and when you discover this, you have to make you the best person you can be. Nothing is stopping you from learning a new language or skill. Getting that new hair cut or start a workout routine. If there are people that you think are doing better than you. Study them, find out what makes them great and become that.

Deadly sin#4 Attitude: They always say some stereotypes have an element of truth to it and this one is dead on. I don’t know if it’s because I live in New York, but my goodness if I ever seen so many mean mugging women in my life! I’m not saying that you need to have a cheese grin on your face every waking minute, but try at least to smile, be cordial. Not always have to snap back with a smart ass answer. I make it a point to say please and thank you all the time to everyone. I smile and greet people. And it’s contagious! People respond in kind usually. Also I see myself as an ambassador of the black woman’s image, you should too. I want people to think about those stereotypes and think “well I have seen some black women with nice attitudes, class etc.” I’m always conscious about how I carry myself outside. I understand that black women go through a lot. I have been there trust me. But you need to meditate, pray, go to the spa and distress. Do not bring that energy with you to work or to the public. It will not get you anywhere. And if you encounter a person with attitude, do not respond in kind. Say a prayer for them and move on. Hopefully they will find their enlightenment. But men constantly say we are acerbic and rude while the Asian woman is hailed as the most feminine. Let’s turn this misconception around ladies!!

Deadly sin#5 Lack of financial security: we work hard and there is nothing wrong with a little leisure fun at times. But buying all the name brands will just make someone else richer. Competition for homeownership is at an all time high. The immigrant community works hard as a unit to own. Yet we as black people are so busy fighting and proving we are better than the next, we are left starting where we left off. Ownership is substantial in this country. What is the point of renting for the rest of your life??? It’s time to save money for a rainy day. Several rainy days. Get your credit right. Learn to do your nails. I did. Skip a extravagant vacation. Keep the name brands to a minute. I do not wear name brands. But you would never know it. I dress well. And while my friends and colleagues are bragging about the new jimmy choos and I-phone. My bank account looks VERY pretty. I own nothing to anyone and when I’m ready, I will make my purchase and start renting my damn self!

Deadly sin#6 having to many kids: I have noticed that especially when black women get married. They think its license to have tons of kids. I know of one woman that had 6 kids after she got married. And do we need to mention before? Children are wonderful. However, they are very very very expensive. Along with the emotional support they need. They are a huge responsibility. In order for the next generation of girls and especially boys to become the best they can be. They need to be in a stable environment. Life is unpredictable in so many ways. We have no idea how the economy will pan out. You really cannot depend on a man being there to help raise a child to adulthood. So why have more than one? What I see all the time is black women being so mean to their children, yelling at them and hardly ever nurturing them. It is because they are stressed. So if you are not going to be able to give a child all the love they need and financial back up. Then please. Do not have one. The goal is to improve on the race, not add another statistic.

Look, I’m not here to bash. But I feel that these issues needed to be addressed for the betterment of black women. We cannot talk about natural hair care and what black guy is fucking up at the moment. The goal in the black women’s movement is improvement and that is what I want for you!