Monday, December 29, 2014

our worth in the eyes of the black man

what really amazes me about all of this is how surprised everyone is that snoop apologized to this wannabe.  Actually, I was amazed that he did it as fast as he did. But this whole fiasco proves a major point, Snoop basically has made his entire career off denigrating and destroying the black woman's image. He made calling black women a bitch like it was second nature. So why does it come as a surprise when he decides to apologize to Iggy, a white "rapper" who has made a career into taking every attribute of black women's urban culture. And not in turn apologize to EVERY black woman he has insulted? because as loud as we are accused of. We always seem to remain docile when black men disrespect us. We always champion them despite the lack of respect and hatred they proudly exclaim against us. Iggy is a woman, therefore she deserves to be treated like a woman. But every other black woman is less than. So we need not be treated with respect. Isn't it funny that in slavery times blacks as a whole were viewed that way. Things have changed a little. But for the black woman we are still dealing with racism......from men from our own race.

 Q-Tip, one of the most well known artists of real hip hop tweeted Iggy about the origins of Hip Hop and why she should revere it,

"HipHop is a artistic and socio-political movement/culture that sprang from the disparate ghettos of NY in the early 70’s Coming off the heels of the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT and approaching the end of the Vietnam war it was a crossroads 4 America specially for blacks in the US"

 one of her many black guy minions, T.I came to her rescue once again.
 Iggy Azalea, T.I.

“All White People Wanna Steal Our Shit” mentality. Now as difficult as this is to believe…. We think all white people who do our shit… gotta kiss our ass or we don’t like em!!! “Dey shady!!!” (Lol No pun intended) But me knowing U,Eminem,and a handful of other… (just so happen to be) white people who were inspired by our culture allowed ME TO SEE, that not all white people out to steal our culture.. There are some that merely wish to contribute to it. And I’d be less than ME if I didn’t say that… If WE don’t allow u guys the same… …rights & respect we KNOW WE DESERVE in other areas of humanity… WE’RE ALL JUST A BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES. AND THATS NOT HIP HOP!!!!
Honestly, what in plum hell does T.I know about hip hop? his rap is nothing but useless lyrics to a beat. Rap itself is useless as we know it. There are more 2 Chains and less Common's and Mos Def's out there. All in all T.I must be on some "new white tang" effect because he spends a great deal of time defending this composite than his damn near white wife who is going through an identity crisis to the point of risking her sight (she had eye color surgery smh)
what black women in this country need to know is that there is a poison woven within our culture. A poison of self hate where black women are always the scapegoat. however, they are never the ones that are truly the at the forefront. black men have a total hatred of themselves, they want so desperately to be the white man. They think that if they covet the white man. Show open hatred to the black woman, they are honorary white. Fact is that in white peoples view, they are looked at as less than men and inferior. All they are doing is boosting the confidence of racists.They in fact make whites feel superior to them. Black men are not that smart unfortunately smh.
It annoys me how anything we as black women do. Whether it be positive or negative, white people swoop in, copy it, and all of a sudden its better. Kim K has an ass she is sexy. A black woman has an ass its a "Ghetto Booty"  We fight for our rights we are "bitches" non black women do the same and they are "sassy" Who are our allies when all guns are pointed at us?
We have to know that there will be many Iggys in our future where black men will jump to protect them while neglecting us. There is no need to feel bad about any of this. What one must recognize is that you cannot be there for someone who is not there for you. If T.I wants to defend Iggy. I hope she will be there when he is arrested once again, i hope she will compose a rap about the increase in deaths against black men. But she will not, she will capitalize like every other white person has. turn into an actress, marry a white man and act like her pseudo- Thug life never existed. lol. look at marky mark who is now Mark Whalberg smh.

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