Advertizement of Sara Bartman
There was a tribe in South Africa called the Khoikhoi, when Dutch invaders discovered them, they renamed the tribe the Hotntot because if their voluptuous figures. They had slender waists and very large behinds. Their figures inspired the bussles worn at that time by wealthy white women. (see picture above) The dutch murdered her husband and sold Sara Barrtman into slavery. They claimed in the 1800's she "signed" a contract with an promoter to be a servant to them and to be part of an exhibition show in England and Ireland. The man with whom she so called signed a contract with claimed she could return to Africa in 5 years after she performed in shows. When she was in England it was at a period where slavery was being questioned. The promoter was in the court for slavery charges, he presented the contract that an illiterate Sara signed. Even Sara herself stated she was employed and not enslaved (hmmmm) and the court stated she should be given warmer clothes, profits and better living conditions being "employed" by this rogue "promoter"
Pictures of advertisements for her show.
She was later sold to a man in France who showcased oddities as well as animals. He put Sara in a cage right along with other animals, naked, to be looked at by white onlookers, they hurled insults at her as she was let out of the cage. to stand on stage, completely naked. They were allowed to touch her. Some sticking their fingers in her anus and vagina. They pulled on her lips and smacked her behind. They were able to take pictures of her for a fee and in some instances, they were able to have sex with her as well. Being featured, attracted George Culver, a naturalist. French zoologists Anatomists and physiologists studied her. Taking blood samples, cutting parts of her vagina for examination and inserting objects in her to "test" her sexual reactions. George Culver used these studies to concluded that Africans were linked to animals. After they were done, she resumed her humiliating fate at the oddity zoo. After years of being humiliated and repeatedly raped .She died years later of VD. But the humiliation does not end there.
Picutue of so called "Hot n tot"Woman
They are even devaluing her memory to this day a black man (no surprise) made a sara bartman cake and had white people carve it up while a person screamed ( please see link below)
Now Beyonce. A renouded talent with no knowledge or care of the history of black women, decides she wants to profit off of this woman's pain. If I saw Bell Hooks or Dr Welsing behind this project I may be inclined to see the movie but beyonce??? a woman who makes money off shaking her ass? a woman that has claimed in songs she wants a drug dealer to be her man? a woman that is married to a misogynistic, materialistic nig that does NOTHING for his community, but wades constantly in the rich white world in Sant Tropez? Is she really down for the cause? does she have any right to do this movie after wearing this?????
How could she DARE partake in a story that resonates in black women's pain to this very day when she would wear a coat that is reminiscent of the racist images blacks suffered at the hands of whites. this image was actually a cartoon for the COON CHICKEN INN!!! if this woman had any sense of history she would have told this racist designer to get the hell out of dodge to even insinuate that she wear such a thing. i know she is clearly an idiot. But she was born in Texas!! don't tell me she did not know of this. She does not care. Yet she is willing to make profit off the backs of tortured black women??? we have to stop her! boycott this woman as we will not be objectified and exploited anymore! its disgusting that we have been tortured for our looks, only to have those very looks copied and upheld as a beauty standard by fake women like kim k.
The peice called "Nigger cake, created by a black man"
Beyonce coon coat
The irony (kim k)
Please know about her
if you want to see some of the truth in about her here is the movie
Side note, why i would NEVER shed a tear for Paris
Good post. We should never forget her.