Monday, July 20, 2015

The irony of Sandra Bland. And this is just the beginning.

By now  you have heard  of the case about Sandra Bland. A very vocal activist against police brutally. She was very clear on her Face book of the injustices against black people at the hands of cops. She participated in rallies and posted her opinion about aggression and racism at the hands of police on her you tube account.

As the story below states. she ironically became the very victim she spoke of

" Sandra Bland was found dead in a Waller County, Texas, jail cell on Monday at 9 a.m. after being arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer during a routine traffic stop, the I-Team has learned. Authorities say her death appears to be suicide.

In numerous emails and phone calls to the ABC7 I-Team, her friends and relatives say they do not believe the official version of what happened and say this is a case of foul play in a county with a history racial intolerance.

Now, the I-Team has obtained video of Bland's arrest. The video shows police on top of Bland, who is on the ground with several officers restraining her as she questions why they are being so rough. The video was shot by a bystander Friday morning, three days before she died in police custody.

Bland was pulled over Friday for improper signaling a lane change, according to Waller County Sheriff's Department officials. They say she was charged with "Assault on a Public Servant" and taken into custody by a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper.

"After he pulled her out of the car, forced her and tossed her to the ground, knee to the neck, and arrested her," says her friend Malcom Jackson.

Bland's friends say she had been with her family in suburban Chicago over the July 4th holiday, and drove to Texas for a job interview at her alma mater, Texas Prairie View A & M. Family members say she got the position and was to begin working in student outreach today.

In the video of the arrest, an officer is heard telling the bystander taking the video to leave.

In the video he shot, Bland is heard saying, "You just slammed my head into the ground. Do you not even care about that? I can't even hear!"

Then, as she is taken into custody, she repeats, "You slammed me into the ground and everything."

Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith says Bland "had been combative on the side of the road."

Sheriff Glen Smith was previously fired from another job for making racist remarks and bad police work. Yet, they hired him in basically a better position that the one he had previous.

The thing that makes this so ironic is Sandra Bland was a champion for police brutality. Mainly against black males. She attended rallies and had strong words about the law enforcement system. So where are these black men now? are they rallying . hell, where are the rallies for her period? I  haven't seen any in my town as of yet. So I ask you. why risk life and limb to a group of men that has hatred and disdain for us? Its truly a sad state of affairs when women have to post on facebook "if I end up in police custody and die, i did not commit suicide" Where are the men who are supposed to protect us? why aren't they side by  side protesting with us. Even more, where are the non black women protesting when one of them get shot? do we constantly fight for black men hoping our devotion will win their attention and affection one day?

As I just was writing this post I have found out about another  woman that was killed at the hands of police! kindra Chapman:

"Homewood City Jail said Kindra Darnell Chapman, who was black, was processed on Tuesday at 6:22 p.m., following an arrest for first-degree robbery. Police say Chapman, 18, stole a cell phone from another individual on the street.
Chapman was last seen alive at 6:30 p.m on Tuesday, when staff conducted an initial welfare check. At 7:50 p.m., jailers returned to find Chapman unresponsive. Authorities say she hanged herself. She was later pronounced dead at a local hospital."

We are in a very dangerous time. Whites have tasted blood. once they saw they could get away with killing Travon, they started killing black men since then. Now that they see that black women can easily get killed, without protests, without riots. We are just sitting ducks waiting to be shot by the next angry, hateful racist. We will be more of a target because no one cares or protests for us. Including black women.

So what do we do? well, protests don't work for us. And since its inevitable that we will continue to be brutalized not only by white cops, but black men and other groups hell bent on abusing and raping us. Its time to be smart, be armed be prepared! take a karate class, learn about your rights as a citizen. GET A GUN PERMIT!! get a attack dog to protect your home. And learn to be prepared in times of calamity. And study more on the resources that may save your life!

Learn about the say her name movement:

Story on Kindra Chapman, killed in police custody;

Story on Sanda Bland, also killed in police custody:

Our desparation to be safe:

The movement to prepare for safety in a time of calamity

Your rights as a citizen: 

1 comment:

  1. We defintely live in precarious times like one of those Biblical verses say. It is important to protect and harm ourselves from those who seek to harm us.
