Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Being Mary Jane: The subliminal distruction of the Professional black woman

When I saw being Mary Jane on BET I was very excited and a little hesitant. YES! a drama centered around a black woman? a professional black woman at that? I'm all in! But as soon as I saw what a trainwreck this woman was I gave the monumental side eye. my interest turned to questioning as i wanted to see what the underlying agenda is. And ladies, there is an agenda. I will break it down a little later.

Before we begin, let me tell you what the show is about for those that did not get to see it. Mary Jane Paul is a high level professional journalist that is the host of the popular CNN- like  show called SNC. On the surface, she seems to have it all. But her personal life is a horrid train wreck. She is a rampant whore and seems to pick the right men for her damaged personality. This woman has slept with a married man. Confronted the wife (further touring this woman who already knows her  husband is an adulterer)  tried to get pregnant from another man(if you didn't see the show, I do not want to go into detail on what desperate measures she took, its horrible) meanwhile screwing another man who periodically comes into town. She has more mileage on that kitty than a train. Her co worker, a producer on the show named Kara is supposed to be a friend. But whoever the writers are, they make Kara appear level headed and more focused than Mary Jane. We are already in season 3 and Kara (as they always do in  black shows) is taking a great deal of the storyline. They are making it about the levelheaded Latina. But back to Jane.

Jane is  a mean and spiteful person. When things were not going her way she killed a goldfish. Yes on the other hand. She takes care of her stereotypical sister. But she puts she throws it in her face, although you loathe her too so  you cannot feel bad when Jane rips into her. Jane also unleashes mean tirades against her friend causing her friend to enact an unreversable fate. (drama!) on the surface she is well spoken an polished. The kind of woman that you would look at and think she has herself together. But her life is completely insane and unrealistic. I really cannot believe that people live this way. I do know that this is a show but my god. She makes you loathe  her if you have any self respect. There are alot of great moments in the show where complex topics of black women are discussed, yet at the same time add to the subliminal misery of this show. Colorism, black woman's beauty and place in the world. However this entire show, (as well as many others I will highlight) is an conspiracy to malign and degrade black women.

If anyone is to see a black woman that looks like Mary Jane on the surface. They are more apt to associate her with this image. "chick may look like she has it together, but I bet she is a drunken whore like Mary Jane" you see, no one cares about the shaniquas and sha nay nay's they are not a threat to society, but the Mary Jane's are. They are beautiful, talented, and smart. So what better opportunity than to destroy any iota that this type of woman is not only beautiful, smart and talented,but desirable? Now we cannot even hold on to being professional. we are inauthentic, drunkard, whores and side chicks that are desperate for love and affection at any cost. That is a dangerous message to send. And its being sent by shows like Being Mary Jane, Scandal and How to get away with murder.

Now I'm not saying to turn off your television and stop watching these shows. If you find them entertaining enjoy. But keep your eyes opened to the images and attack to the professional black woman. they are threatened and will use any resource to discredit us.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Beyonce and her aid in ripping black womens wounds wide open

Advertizement of Sara Bartman
This is just beginning. But it's rumoured that Beyonce is set to write and star in a movie about Sara Saartjie Baartman a black woman who was defiled in such a way that they fought to have the previous movie about her (made in Paris) to be edited because the content was so scathing. Before you hear my argument as to why I think Beyonce should leave this project alone. Here is the back round of Sara Baartman. Its graphic ladies so please prepare. I'm reduced to tears every time I read her story. Tears run down my eyes as I write this to you now.

There was a tribe in South Africa called the Khoikhoi, when Dutch invaders discovered them, they renamed the tribe the Hotntot because if their voluptuous figures.  They had slender waists and very large behinds. Their figures inspired the bussles worn at that time by wealthy white women. (see picture above) The dutch murdered her husband and sold  Sara Barrtman into slavery. They claimed in the 1800's she "signed" a contract with an promoter to be a servant to them and to be part of an exhibition show in England and Ireland. The man with whom she so called signed a contract with claimed she could return to Africa in 5 years after she performed in shows. When she was in England it was at a period where slavery was being questioned. The promoter was in the court for slavery charges, he presented the contract that an illiterate Sara signed. Even Sara herself stated she was employed and not enslaved (hmmmm) and the court stated she should be given warmer clothes, profits and better living conditions being "employed" by this rogue "promoter"

Pictures of advertisements for her show.

She was later sold to a man in France who showcased oddities as well as animals. He put Sara in a cage right along with other animals, naked, to be looked at by white onlookers, they hurled insults at her as she was let out of the cage. to stand on stage, completely naked. They were allowed to touch her. Some sticking their fingers in her anus and vagina. They pulled on her lips and smacked her behind. They were able to take pictures of her for a fee and in some instances, they were able to have sex with her as well.  Being featured, attracted George Culver, a naturalist. French zoologists Anatomists and physiologists studied her. Taking blood samples, cutting parts of her vagina for examination and inserting objects in her to "test" her sexual reactions. George Culver used these studies to concluded that Africans were linked to animals. After they were done, she resumed her humiliating fate at the oddity zoo. After years of being humiliated and repeatedly raped .She died  years later of VD. But the humiliation does not end there.

Picutue of so called "Hot n tot"Woman
After she died George Culver had her body parts carved up and picked in jars her brain, vagina and other organs were on display at the Musée del'Homme(Museum of Man) Some 160 years later they were still on display, but were finally removed from public view in 1974. In 1994, then president Nelson Mandela requested that her remains be brought home. They were only brought home 2002 to be buried in her hometown in Africa years later after the white rule declined in Africa due to the fact that Mandela came to power. Her grave was defaced with white paint. It is suspected that the conflict between whites and blacks coming back to power during that period was an act of disrespect and outrage that white rule was finally being withdrawn.

They are even devaluing her memory to this day a black man (no surprise) made a sara bartman cake and had white people carve it up while a person screamed ( please see link below)

Now Beyonce. A renouded talent with no knowledge or care of the history of black women, decides she wants to profit off of this woman's pain. If I saw Bell Hooks or Dr Welsing behind this project I may be inclined to see the movie but beyonce??? a woman who makes money off shaking her ass? a woman that has claimed in songs she wants a drug dealer to be her man? a woman that is married to a misogynistic, materialistic nig that does NOTHING for his community, but wades constantly in the rich white world in Sant Tropez? Is she really down for the cause? does she have any right to do this movie after wearing this?????

How could she DARE partake in a story that resonates in black women's pain to this very day when she would wear a coat that is reminiscent of the racist images blacks suffered at the hands of whites. this image was actually a cartoon for the COON CHICKEN INN!!! if this woman had any sense of history she would have told this racist designer to get the hell out of dodge to even insinuate that she wear such a thing. i know she is clearly an idiot. But she was born in Texas!! don't tell me she did not know of this. She does not care. Yet she is willing to make profit off the backs of tortured black women??? we have to stop her! boycott this woman as we will not be objectified and exploited anymore! its disgusting that we have been tortured for our looks, only to have those very looks copied and upheld as a beauty standard by fake women like kim k.

The peice called "Nigger cake, created by a black man"

Beyonce coon coat

The irony (kim k)

Please know about her


if you want to see some of the truth in about her here is the movie

Side note, why i would NEVER shed a tear for Paris


Monday, July 20, 2015

The irony of Sandra Bland. And this is just the beginning.

By now  you have heard  of the case about Sandra Bland. A very vocal activist against police brutally. She was very clear on her Face book of the injustices against black people at the hands of cops. She participated in rallies and posted her opinion about aggression and racism at the hands of police on her you tube account.

As the story below states. she ironically became the very victim she spoke of

" Sandra Bland was found dead in a Waller County, Texas, jail cell on Monday at 9 a.m. after being arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer during a routine traffic stop, the I-Team has learned. Authorities say her death appears to be suicide.

In numerous emails and phone calls to the ABC7 I-Team, her friends and relatives say they do not believe the official version of what happened and say this is a case of foul play in a county with a history racial intolerance.

Now, the I-Team has obtained video of Bland's arrest. The video shows police on top of Bland, who is on the ground with several officers restraining her as she questions why they are being so rough. The video was shot by a bystander Friday morning, three days before she died in police custody.

Bland was pulled over Friday for improper signaling a lane change, according to Waller County Sheriff's Department officials. They say she was charged with "Assault on a Public Servant" and taken into custody by a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper.

"After he pulled her out of the car, forced her and tossed her to the ground, knee to the neck, and arrested her," says her friend Malcom Jackson.

Bland's friends say she had been with her family in suburban Chicago over the July 4th holiday, and drove to Texas for a job interview at her alma mater, Texas Prairie View A & M. Family members say she got the position and was to begin working in student outreach today.

In the video of the arrest, an officer is heard telling the bystander taking the video to leave.

In the video he shot, Bland is heard saying, "You just slammed my head into the ground. Do you not even care about that? I can't even hear!"

Then, as she is taken into custody, she repeats, "You slammed me into the ground and everything."

Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith says Bland "had been combative on the side of the road."

Sheriff Glen Smith was previously fired from another job for making racist remarks and bad police work. Yet, they hired him in basically a better position that the one he had previous.

The thing that makes this so ironic is Sandra Bland was a champion for police brutality. Mainly against black males. She attended rallies and had strong words about the law enforcement system. So where are these black men now? are they rallying . hell, where are the rallies for her period? I  haven't seen any in my town as of yet. So I ask you. why risk life and limb to a group of men that has hatred and disdain for us? Its truly a sad state of affairs when women have to post on facebook "if I end up in police custody and die, i did not commit suicide" Where are the men who are supposed to protect us? why aren't they side by  side protesting with us. Even more, where are the non black women protesting when one of them get shot? do we constantly fight for black men hoping our devotion will win their attention and affection one day?

As I just was writing this post I have found out about another  woman that was killed at the hands of police! kindra Chapman:

"Homewood City Jail said Kindra Darnell Chapman, who was black, was processed on Tuesday at 6:22 p.m., following an arrest for first-degree robbery. Police say Chapman, 18, stole a cell phone from another individual on the street.
Chapman was last seen alive at 6:30 p.m on Tuesday, when staff conducted an initial welfare check. At 7:50 p.m., jailers returned to find Chapman unresponsive. Authorities say she hanged herself. She was later pronounced dead at a local hospital."

We are in a very dangerous time. Whites have tasted blood. once they saw they could get away with killing Travon, they started killing black men since then. Now that they see that black women can easily get killed, without protests, without riots. We are just sitting ducks waiting to be shot by the next angry, hateful racist. We will be more of a target because no one cares or protests for us. Including black women.

So what do we do? well, protests don't work for us. And since its inevitable that we will continue to be brutalized not only by white cops, but black men and other groups hell bent on abusing and raping us. Its time to be smart, be armed be prepared! take a karate class, learn about your rights as a citizen. GET A GUN PERMIT!! get a attack dog to protect your home. And learn to be prepared in times of calamity. And study more on the resources that may save your life!

Learn about the say her name movement:


Story on Kindra Chapman, killed in police custody;


Story on Sanda Bland, also killed in police custody:

Our desparation to be safe:


The movement to prepare for safety in a time of calamity



Your rights as a citizen:


Monday, June 22, 2015

Charlston S.C shooting: Why our insecurity killls us.

As you well know on the evening of June 17, 2015, a mass shooting took place at Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. The church is of of the United states Oldest black churches and has long been a site for community organization around civil rights. Nine people were killed, including the senior pastor, Clementa C. Pinckney, a state senator. A tenth victim was also shot, but survived.

Self proclaimed racist Dylann Roof, was captured the morning after the attack. but before the attack he exclaimed that he "almost didn't go through with it because the people were so nice" but because of his innate evil. he did anyway. Before he shot he stated " you rape our women, you are taking over the country,  you got to go" then he started shooting. six women, 3 men shot dead. He told one victim that she is alive to tell everyone what happened. Of course after this incident the media, blacks included. Stated he was "crazy" "deranged" and possibly "on drugs" once again absolving a white person of their actions.

A person who plans to kills someone is not deranged. A person who makes sure to leave one person alive, is not crazy. This was an act of pure unadulterated evil. Evil without insanity is very possible. we have seen in during 9/11. no one called these terrorist crazy then. the newspapers were strewn with titles such as "Pure Evil" and "hatred incarnate" but this man (who they keep calling a child) is crazy. Its this view that is part of white privilege in every form. These poor loving blacks allowed the devil to come in, never once questioning the rarity in the "separate but equal" south that a young, white male wanted to pray with them. Reverse the situation. If a black young man walked into a church of predominately white people in the south please tell me what you think the reaction would be. They can walk through our neighborhood become gentrified, in fluxed with white people. we are such thugs, such savages, but whites have no problem living in our areas and pushing us out in time. I myself lived in a very good all black area. We had all the amenities. library, Oprah center and more. Now there are thousands of whites in my area. bring their racism and hatred. Giving cold stares and clutching purses in a neighborhood I grew up in and almost went to every school in. I guarantee it will be a matter of time before a white person starts to get angry such as this man did and do a mass shooting in the street. i fear for my life each day with that thought.

 No one wants to find out the real reason Dylann Roof did what he did. Dylann was fed up. The media, along with his enviorment sparked his intent. All you see all day everyday is some black guy with a non black girl. Kanye and his porn star kim k, various actors and sports icons with their non black women tight at their side. imagine seeing this everyday and then seeing it in your own town. In the south. IR relationships are rampant with black men and white women. Dylann was a recluse, not what you would call attractive. He saw these white women with black men and watching this on television made him even madder. He did not want to even admit that these women throw themselves on these men he stated "you rape our women" we all know a white woman after a black man is not being raped at all. they are more than willing to get with a black man, whatever the motive. But this made him livid. here he was, not attractive and black men were dating white women he wanted. his feelings are no different than Roger Elliot, a virgin that decided to attempt to kill girls because he assumed they didn't want him.  and hated that other men that were dating women. he went on a shooting spree, not even killing women that he plan to. He turned on this roommates and several people at a convience store. The cops killed him. Hmm. they always kill the gunmen. just like the Virgina tech killer and the columbine killers, but Dylann gets to live. Smh

Image result for elliot rodger

Anyway the profile of these white men are very clear. When their lives are crap, instead of killing themselves or trying to make their lives right. they want to destroy other peoples lives. they are cowards and want people to suffer worse than they are. The movie theater killer did the same thing. he had a miserable life and his solvent was to kill people at a movie theater. people going on dates. spending time with their family and love ones. these are evil men. who's evil is so deep that they will do anything to hurt others. Their hurt gives them happiness. Dylann Roof didn't even looked upset when being arrested.

Black men are our downfall. they are the main ones that perpetuate using the term "nigger" and will side with anyone that isn't black. This evil terrorist thug had a black friend who went out of his way to defend him. This black man with low self esteem and self hatred did not want to believe that this racist that wore swatiskas and exclamed his hatred for blacks in his manifesto, he stated  “Everybody’s making him out to be racist but here I am in front of you today as a black man and telling you that I look at him no different today than what I looked him last week because he never said anything racist to me,”  This black man with no regard of other black lives communicated to the world that we can be killed and there will be people like him to defend these killers without question. He has so little love for himself and other blacks that he still wants to hold on to the friendship of his white friend. giving fodder to racist FOX news. Validating their lie that this was not a racial crime.

The confederate flag, a symbol hate and promotion of slavery. Is one of the symbols of the south that are perpetuated by racist and fave coon kanye west had no problem posing with it

View image on Twitter

He claimed he wore it to take power away from it. and also sold products featuring the flag on his Yessus tour. But to promote a symbol of hate when  you are the oppressed just makes you more stupid when you still do not have the ability to take the power away from said oppressor. Do you think a jew would ever wear a swastika to prove a point? when the swastika is a pure symbol of hate? no. because if anyone attempted that, they would be drummed out of Jewish society as they should.

This blatant display of our willingness to not be taken seriously is literally killing us. We are willing to be called nigger, willing to wear symbols of oppression and willing to forgive and defend people that want us dead. We are the most forgiving and the most docile of all races. Latinos are actually taking over the country and yet. we are still hated when we are no threat to anyone. we do not own anything, we do not take over jobs, we do not take over or gentrify neighborhoods. We do not take over political seats (Obama will be the last you will see and he is only half black) yet we are hated to the point of us hating ourselves. To agree with the oppressor, to be a black man and hate black women, to question when a person is out of place, to help people other than your own, to put others above your own race, to hate who you are and how look. All of this is helping your extinction of blacks in America. We are in a hot racial climate with no allies. especially within our race. Be vigilant, take karate classes, ALWAYS question something out of place. never worry about hurting the feelings of others, it may save your life.

Kanye's confederate antics

black friend of dylann roof


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Do white women want to be black? or is it appropriating our race to get ahead?

View image on Twitter

The Spokane NAACP President Rachel Dolezal was recently outed for being white when she made claims that she recieved hate male and death threats for being black.  Now everyone, both white and black are going to say this woman is simply insane. however, she is very intelligent. Her actions are an education to black women as to where we stand in race relations and respect.

This woman KNEW that looking like a octoroon would give her high praise in black society. her mere frizzy hair and green eyes could get her hired to any black organization and a number of white ones. you see, she is the "safe" looking black. But god in the black world. she is the type that black men love to covet because as soon as Someone says they are with a white woman they can point at her tan and hair and say "noooo, she is black!" she is strategic. she has made a career and climbed up the ladder being a watered down black woman. So all in all it shows black ladies what it takes to make it as a black woman in the working world. look as if you have one drop of black blood and you win! make a couple of claims that you were racially harassed. everyone will be there to help you because you look like a white woman, men will instinctually want to help you.

Don't you find it strategic that she used her whiteness to its optimum point to marry a black man! she knew in the beginning that to get the black man she had to go full on white but when it came to being a queen in black circles.  the one drop look was optimum. when you look one drop you get to thrive at Howard (yes, she was  a Howard grad smh) you get to get the prime seat as a professor in African studies smh. Her parents even helped her in the lie. against their wishes. but here she is in full white with her black husband smh.

Do  not for one minute get in to the general argument that "she is insane" its seems that every time a white person does something in this country, they are automatically "crazy" this always absolves and in some instances, makes people sorry for these people who commit such acts. This woman is a calculating opportunist that could not get by in the white world. I have lived in the white world as close as someone of color can and what I do know is that she was a chunky, pale girl. Not considered attractive in white society. she knew that all she need was a little tan, a wig and POOF! she is atop of the food chain in black society. As a white woman, she thought that was all she needed in the beginning to enter into white society. she tried to apply  to an all black college and when not accepted, 'she sued, and lost for discrimination. When she became 'biracial rachel" she not only got into a black college, but acquired a scholarship. a scholarship that should have gone to a black person.

Now of course black men who have the most self hatred for themselves, as well as black women have stated "she is doing more for the black community than we are" that is a ignorant statement. all i see is black women protesting when one of these degenerates gets shot, and if anyone had the position to be the president of the NAACP, what, because they were black, they would sit and do nothing??? she stole a seat meant for a black person and my grandmother said "if someone lies, they will cheat, if they will cheat, they will steal" yet we pat her on the back for blatantly lieing and stealing and cheating a black person an opportunity to better their people.

there are black female students coming forward stating that she lectured black women for not supporting black men and were harsher to them in regards of grading. I hope they sue her for this.

The plot gets even more twisted as her brother is charged with sexually assaulting a minor. Her parents were already  in the weird box which evidences her ambition. her and her brother were born in their house. not a hospital. her parents decided to get foster children being privy that they could get more money. she has cunning in her blood. She took the time to even lie about her fake father. this poor guy had no idea she was saying that this was her dad.

Now she is not the only Rachel that knows that being a bronze mixed woman is almost as being powerful as a white woman in today's society. Rachel Brothers who is a REAL bi racial woman sued the Black Educators Association in Nova Scotia for racial and age discrimination when she was let go of her job and replaced with a Afro centric, darker woman. I'm not saying that she should not have gone for the job. But I really questions the motives of these types of women to want to champion black issues when they, in most cases wield their non blackness to get what they want.

Rachel Brothers

Isn't this a case of  getting in where you fit in? opportunist strategies? if Rachel Brothers was more white looking, would she have been ore likely to be in that world? but she couldn't compete, like rachel dozal  could not, so she decides to join the black world? hmmm. look at the natural hair movement. more and more all you see is bi racial women with the look being coveted more than the traditional darker complected women smh.

and before polymammies come after me and say I'm jealous of these girls. I'm mixed and have hair just like them. however our full black sisters. the originators of these styles are being ignored. I would love to have an Afro like this:

I think this whole Rachel thing really teaches us where we stand on racial relations and black beauty.

Lighter skin is still held in high regard in the black community.
Being ambiguous in skin color can lead you to high places in the black community.
Blacks willing accept anything that is not close to their phenotype.
Basically anyone can infiltrate our communities and take advantage.

And now we are defending a racist that killed black people in a church smh. post coming up shortly.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Sorority Sisters should not be shut down unless...................................

I really had to laugh when I saw all the hooplah surrounding the new ghetto barbie thotfest called Sorority sisters. Women were outraged and up in arms that this show was put into circulation. I watched the show and it was pretty tame compared to the others that I have seen. It was comical and interesting to see a new sub class of black woman. The boughetto class. They attempt to affect mannerisms of classy women, but underneath exhibit the same uncouth, behavior of stereotypical black women that we see on sites like Worldstar Hip hop. Thousands of black women ranted on all the social boards about how this show was defaming black women and desecrating the secrets of black sororities. hardly ever did I see any of these women outcry that ALL shows like this should be taken down. It seems that their complaints were damage control. Maybe they do not want anyone to know the real goings on of sororities? therefore tarnishing their so called upper class effect?  The very manner of their defense speaks volumes. Why now is there an outcry? what is this opinion that when the  behavior of blacks is displayed, somehow we are excluded to some degree?  You can take Sorority Sisters out with furor? It will not make a dent in cleaning up our image as black women. There are tons of sights like Nowaygirl.com, Worldstar hip hop and others that make it a point to pump out damaging, filthy content that depicts black women in a bad light. As far as reality shows. Need I mention the countless shows that show us as loud, fake, insecure gutter rats ready to fight at the drop of a hat? where is the intellect? Sorority Sister do not  exclude ANY black woman. As soon as you walk outside, and before you even open your mouth, you are already judged. Where is the unity? black women COLLECTIVELY should be banning and outcrying for ALL shows that depicts us in a bad or defaming light. We are all in this together! if you are going to ban this show, you need to band the others as well. They all make us look bad. Sorority sisters are not absolved or protected from that. There is a total conspiracy to blight our character. case and point Tommy sontomayor has a total hate show on YouTube where all he does is bash black women. Why haven't you seen his black female counterpart? well I, as well as a bunch of black women have tried to have the same channels, only to be banned as hate speech. he has bash black women, called them bald headed bitches and threatened to punch black women in the face and they never have taken his channel off. as a matter of fact, he has several channels. So do you now see the agenda? getting rid of one show is not enough, you have to get rid of them all. remember they lump us all in one category and being a Sorority Sister does not give you a colorless pass ;)


our worth in the eyes of the black man

what really amazes me about all of this is how surprised everyone is that snoop apologized to this wannabe.  Actually, I was amazed that he did it as fast as he did. But this whole fiasco proves a major point, Snoop basically has made his entire career off denigrating and destroying the black woman's image. He made calling black women a bitch like it was second nature. So why does it come as a surprise when he decides to apologize to Iggy, a white "rapper" who has made a career into taking every attribute of black women's urban culture. And not in turn apologize to EVERY black woman he has insulted? because as loud as we are accused of. We always seem to remain docile when black men disrespect us. We always champion them despite the lack of respect and hatred they proudly exclaim against us. Iggy is a woman, therefore she deserves to be treated like a woman. But every other black woman is less than. So we need not be treated with respect. Isn't it funny that in slavery times blacks as a whole were viewed that way. Things have changed a little. But for the black woman we are still dealing with racism......from men from our own race.

 Q-Tip, one of the most well known artists of real hip hop tweeted Iggy about the origins of Hip Hop and why she should revere it,

"HipHop is a artistic and socio-political movement/culture that sprang from the disparate ghettos of NY in the early 70’s Coming off the heels of the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT and approaching the end of the Vietnam war it was a crossroads 4 America specially for blacks in the US"

 one of her many black guy minions, T.I came to her rescue once again.
 Iggy Azalea, T.I.

“All White People Wanna Steal Our Shit” mentality. Now as difficult as this is to believe…. We think all white people who do our shit… gotta kiss our ass or we don’t like em!!! “Dey shady!!!” (Lol No pun intended) But me knowing U,Eminem,and a handful of other… (just so happen to be) white people who were inspired by our culture allowed ME TO SEE, that not all white people out to steal our culture.. There are some that merely wish to contribute to it. And I’d be less than ME if I didn’t say that… If WE don’t allow u guys the same… …rights & respect we KNOW WE DESERVE in other areas of humanity… WE’RE ALL JUST A BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES. AND THATS NOT HIP HOP!!!!
Honestly, what in plum hell does T.I know about hip hop? his rap is nothing but useless lyrics to a beat. Rap itself is useless as we know it. There are more 2 Chains and less Common's and Mos Def's out there. All in all T.I must be on some "new white tang" effect because he spends a great deal of time defending this composite than his damn near white wife who is going through an identity crisis to the point of risking her sight (she had eye color surgery smh)
what black women in this country need to know is that there is a poison woven within our culture. A poison of self hate where black women are always the scapegoat. however, they are never the ones that are truly the at the forefront. black men have a total hatred of themselves, they want so desperately to be the white man. They think that if they covet the white man. Show open hatred to the black woman, they are honorary white. Fact is that in white peoples view, they are looked at as less than men and inferior. All they are doing is boosting the confidence of racists.They in fact make whites feel superior to them. Black men are not that smart unfortunately smh.
It annoys me how anything we as black women do. Whether it be positive or negative, white people swoop in, copy it, and all of a sudden its better. Kim K has an ass she is sexy. A black woman has an ass its a "Ghetto Booty"  We fight for our rights we are "bitches" non black women do the same and they are "sassy" Who are our allies when all guns are pointed at us?
We have to know that there will be many Iggys in our future where black men will jump to protect them while neglecting us. There is no need to feel bad about any of this. What one must recognize is that you cannot be there for someone who is not there for you. If T.I wants to defend Iggy. I hope she will be there when he is arrested once again, i hope she will compose a rap about the increase in deaths against black men. But she will not, she will capitalize like every other white person has. turn into an actress, marry a white man and act like her pseudo- Thug life never existed. lol. look at marky mark who is now Mark Whalberg smh.