Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Black Matrix (is the media really on your side???)

Are we living in a society created to destroy the black woman. And why? let me deliver my thoughts and you make the judgement yourself,

I have been a viewer of various shows and movies. More so if I see black people. But with eyes open, I noticed that the image of black women are tainted, sometimes subtly, and sometimes in your face. Take the 2011 Pepsi commercial. In the commercial. A chubby dark skinned black woman with a horrible weave is trying to so called help her husband eat better (smh) in the clip, they are at the restaurant. The husband is asks for an unhealthy entree. But angry black wife kicks him in the leg before he finished. 

In the next clip he is eating a cake. Angry black wife decides to slam his head in the cake.

In another clip the husband is in the shower eating a sandwich. The angry black wife sticks a bar of soap in his mouth and takes the sandwich.

After all of this abuse. The husband takes his wife to the park for some R&R to drink pepsi. All seems well till. a leggy blond. very skinny. Stops to stretch. She turns to the black guy to smile at him.

Angry black woman gets angry. After all we are animals. She throws a can at her husband but it hits the White girl in the head.

Now this commercial is less than a minute. But it did so much damage to black women's image. It reinforced the stereotype that black women are fat, dark, aggressive and white women are angelic, in shape and friendly. Now the Pollymammies will say " its just a commercial, blacks need to blowing everything out of proportion." But one has to ask themselves, why not an Asian or white woman??? because the agenda is to reinforce the stereotypes of black women. I will explain why later on.

The media has a big problem with keeping up the positive image of black women alongside their white counterpart. The first season of Dancing with the stars had a black co host named lisa cannon. They got rid of her as soon as the show started to get popular, I cannot even find a picture of her on the show. Also Aisha Tyler was the show "The ghost whisperer" as Jennifer Love Hewitts best friend. As soon as  the show got popular, they decided to make her into a Ghost lol!. Like they do with all black females alongside a white character she was decked out in very nice makeup, by the end she looked bland. They will put us in their shows but we always have to take a back seat. Look at this casting picture of The ghost whisperer, why is Aisha the one sitting in the chair??? is she infirmed??? nope, we have to be the submissive ones, the mammies always.

Even  Nikki Minaj had to play the mammie role in the movie "The other woman" with Cameron Diaz. she was married, but we never seen her husband and she admitted to being a cheater. Not to mention she worked in a corporate office dressed like a street walker, she hardly did any work. Again, we are ghetto, loud whores with no decorum. But we have fat asses! smh.

The shows "Scandal" and "Being Mary Jane" gives us the impression that successful black female characters are finally getting their fair due. However, strip the make up and the success and you will see the underlying agenda to further malign the black woman.

In Scandal, the character is smart, successful but she is basically the Presidents bed wench. We all scream excitement that there is finally a interracial romance on television. But no matter what the consequences, She is still having a secret affair with a married man. Again showing the black women have no morals. Is this okay? and why are we so happy to get crumbs of parts when our integrity is compromised???

In Being Mary Jane, Gabrielle Unions character is just plain insane. She tried steal sperm from her ex boyfriend. (Who thought she was  crazy as well he went on with his life impregnating a white woman) and she is having sex with a married man (fellow back stabber Omar Hardwick) she was bold enough to even confront his wife and tell her she was the other woman. Yes in these shows, no hair was pulled. No punches thrown, but the message is clear. We are insucure back stabbing cheating whores with no values.

Why is it that we get Oscars for being whores or slaves???? Halle Berry got an Oscar for having soft porn with Billy Bob Thorton for Monsters Ball, Lupita Nyngo received an Oscar for getting beat to the white meat on a tree in 12 Years a Slave. After they got their awards, you haven't or ever hear of them being in a large-scale role on the silver screen. They did their work of upholding the image of black women (Lupita is not at fault, but I'm sure she has performed more dynamic roles worthy of an Oscar)

So now we come to why this agenda has come about??? a lot may be surprised, some may not. For those who are not you have the brown eye, you see past all of ills created to destroy you as a black woman. Black women have a strength that is unprecedented. Despite our large demographics of poverty, despite studies of us being said to be ugly, despite our image being raped, maligned and exploited. We rise on. We are the highest demographic in the country that goes to college? don't get it? that means we go to college more than Asian, white, and Hispanics in ANY group. We have the ability to get 3 degrees simultaneously and raise children (yes this is true, I will write a post on this extraordinary woman in the future) we are all colors, shapes and sizes and we can look like whatever we want. Our so called attitude is copied by Latinas and others when they want to assert themselves. We are very powerful and the powers that be do not want that. They know that once we assert power, we gain it and they are doing everything in their power to stop it. Media is the main goal. sites like, and others constantly show us in a bad light and black men are right there to help other perpetuate this. (take the Harriet Tubman skit created by Russel Simmons) But as our  Mother in spirit Maya Angelou stated " Still I rise" I know sisters it seems like everyone hates us. They actually fear us. And no, everyone do not hate us. Actually, we are very much loved in the most unlikely of places..............Europe. I know because I lived there. I will write more posts about this in the future. 

So we must not divide on color, and hair texture and other nonsense. We need to stand as a united front! we need to use our power and resources to be at the top. We can do this! I implore you to make stories where the love interests is a dark skinned girl. Movies that show us that we are feminine and sultry, without being trashy. And have men these movies that actually love us in real life. But keep your eyes open, the media is always out to malign you because they are scared of your power. Don't let them win! 


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